London Wildlife Trust

Woodberry Wetlands is the intersection between the old and the new. With the help of willing volunteers, the once abandoned and threatened reservoir is now reborn. Woodberry is again a place of sanctuary for wildlife.

Together with the London Wildlife Trust, I designed a series of 6 location boards for the reservoir and Coal House Cafe. A colourful pictorial narrative explains the beauty, grit and grime that defines this unique part of North London history.

When the wintering birds begin to disappear and the last of the siskins, bramblings, redwings, fieldfares, water rails and green sandpipers and most of the gulls have departed, trans-Saharan migrants such as swallows and house and sand martinsmake their long-awaited return.

Common swifts congregate in large numbers alongside commonly sighted residents blackcaps and common chiffchaffs. Five species of warbler, including the lesser & common whitethroats and garden warblers, arrive with the reservoir’s breeding varieties of reed and sedge warbler in April.


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